Born in 1987. Started playing drums at the age of 5 and joined the the local schoolband at 7. At the age of 12, two things happened; I bought my first drumkit and I really started getting into music. That’s when things got serious. I formed my first band at the age of 15. Went to music highscool, had a stay at Los Angeles College Of Music and took a bachelors degree in musicolegy at the University in Oslo – all while playing as much drums as I could. At the same time I got more and more into music production, recording and writing. I played with several different local bands, but I always had the urge to do something by myself and I needed an outlet for all the ideas I had written that did not fit the bands I was in.
I formed Pymlico in 2009 – first as a solo project, but as time went on, it transformed into a real band. We have released several albums of instrumental progressive music, gotten some splendid reviews and done shows all over Norway, in Sweden and in France.
I had always wanted my own space and at one point I pulled the plug and decided to build my studio. Double Decker Studios was completed in 2017. This is where I write, record, produce, mix and rehears. We have recorded the last few Pymlico-albums here and I have done work for lots of other bands and artists as well.
My daily job is as a facility management coordinator in OBOS – Norway’s largest housing devolper. I am a proud bonus dad to two great boys, an enthusiastic James Bond-fan, an avid concert goer and I have a great passion for old Mercedes-cars.